Integrated lesson “French-speaking countries” to celebrate Francophonie month

2021 m. April 9 d., 09:50

20 March. World Francophonie Day. There are more than 220 million French speakers worldwide. 23 March. An integrated geography and French language lesson took place in the virtual environment of Kaunas “Saulės” Gymnasium, dedicated to the celebration of the Francophonie Month in Kaunas, which was conducted by geography teacher I. Valasevičienė and French language teacher V. Čepulkauskienė for grades 1F and K. The lesson was attended by a large number of students and teachers from all over Lithuania, as well as guests from Africa and America. Danutė Stankaitienė, President of the Lithuanian Association of Teachers and Lecturers of French, and Alvydas Laiškonis, professor at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, doctor of infectious diseases, doctor habilitated in biomedicine, and former member of the Committee of the Twin Cities of Grenoble, welcomed the participants on this beautiful occasion.

We would like to thank the guests and the teachers of Kaunas “Saulės” Gymnasium for an informative and interesting lesson.

Eglė Ragauskaitė, Methodologist, Kaunas Teacher Qualification Centre