(Centre – applicant)
Kaunas Education Innovation Centre together with project partners from Poland, Stowarzyszenie Aktywność, Twórczość, Edukacja na rzecz rozwoju (ATEna), is implementing the Erasmus+ mobility project “Education – new chance of life”.
The aim of the project is to gain practical experience by adopting valuable practices from other countries in order to promote adult employment, participation and competence development.
The direct target group of the project is adult training coordinators working with adults in an adult education institution.
The mobility visit took place in Kielce, Poland, in April.
Planned project results:
- The valuable experience of the Polish Adult Education Centre is taken over;
- Improved digital, general and professional competences of adult learning facilitators;
- 80 hours. a professional development programme;
- A positive attitude towards lifelong learning is created;
The project runs from 2021 to 2022. Project duration – 13 months.